Apparently, I had the good luck to be in LA during their typical one-week September heat wave, because we had temps at or near 100°F for the three days I was out there on the job. I had the pleasure of working with an amazing leadership team there, though, and while it is incredibly intense and potentially quite draining, they rose to all challenges and were still energized and smiling when we emerged on the other side of our sessions.
I especially appreciated the nice note that the Dean of Instruction sent me on his way out of town Friday afternoon (shown at right).
It had been quite a while since I'd been to LA, and this is my first exposure to the Pilgrim School. It was terrific. We identified quite a few areas that might be worth tackling together, so perhaps there will be future occasions to work with these fine folks again.
My dear friend Sheryl (we were together at the University of Virginia in our respective education PhD programs, nearly 20 years ago!) was a fantastic host, as always.
As I mentioned at the top of this post, though, the weather has taken a decidedly fall-like turn back here in Winston-Salem, and it is gorgeous. My single clump of iris that, to me, blooms at strange times, has been quiet all summer and greeted me with this beautiful bloom when I came in from the airport:
While I believe deep down Cyprus is glad to have me home again, she cannot get over her fascination with the trailing scents of either the chipmunk or the rat that's been scampering around in the flower beds the last few weeks. When I took her outside, she paid me no mind but that wonderful blind bombshell was on high sniff alert:
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