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Monday, January 19, 2015

Meal No. 1189: Another Party Requires Foodstuffs!

Lots of fun things going on 'round here this weekend and week, and on this fine January Monday, it was another occasion of fun and frivolity for which edible goodies were required. Here's a sampling:

Warm Swiss and Bacon Dip

Creamy Stuffed Eggs

Party Ham Biscuits

"Swiss and Bacon Dip," from Rachael Ray. Available online at the Food Network website.

"Creamy Stuffed Eggs," a recipe shared with me by Barbara Huneycutt of Crozet, VA.

"Party Ham Biscuits," a recipe shared with our family by Susan Brown and recorded in my recipe collection in 1988. There are various versions of this recipe, of course. Pretty popular is the "caramelized" version, such as this one: "Caramelized Ham & Swiss Buns," by Iris Weihemuller of Baxter, MN, in Taste of Home, December 2013, p. 59.

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