Seems like there's been a lot going on lately, and I'm having trouble staying on top of it all. The last few weeks have involved a number of projects and deadlines and I've felt a bit snowed under from it all. And time off or time at home isn't usually just empty space, because something has been planned or just pops up—which I love, of course.
On this Sunday morning, after a big night with dear friends Brad and Lauren, and leaving myself a pile of clean-up to do, I took advantage of a 5:30 am arising and caught up on some email and news and my Twitter feed and also got all the dishes cleaned up and put away. I then sat down for the rare treat of Vietnamese coffee:
For thems what keeps track of these sorts of things, this was Meal No. 575 in the new kitchen.
"French Toast," from King Arthur Flour online.
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