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Thursday, August 11, 2022

Wetbar Cabinet Clean-Out

Perhaps among the readers of this blog post will be at least a few who are sympathetic to the dual dilemmas of "out of sight/out of mind" and also the incremental pace of decline. All that's to say: I was way, way, way overdue in giving the wetbar cabinets a thorough cleaning. It's so easy to overlook, ignore, or fail to fully register how bad one might have let the dust get until the wine glasses get moved, as the photo below ably shows:

The amount of entertaining that occurs here has been cut way back, and I hardly ever drink either. So those cabinets have remained untouched and neglected...until this past Sunday. I started my day with unloading the whole thing, and then first washing all the stemware and beer glasses and such:

Then I gave all the coffee mugs a good dishwashing as well:

Once I'd dusted and also wiped down all the cabinets, and Windexed the glass of the cabinet doors, I had a much finer wetbar to admire in passing:

Chalk another item off the Quarantine Task Jar list, that does not drive all my labors in these freer days of summer but which I'm always glad to knock out when I get around to it. (That same Sunday, another one of those annoying tasks was handled: giving the exhaust fan in the master bathroom a good cleaning. Most people might not notice it but I was mindful of how filthy it was looking!)

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