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Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Meal No. 1408: Party Ham Biscuits for the Slumber Party

As noted on an earlier entry, Halloween this year was celebrated at the Roediger House with a big slumber party. After our late night of eating and pool playing and movies, people still got up surprisingly early. Fortunately, I was prepared with a big pan of party ham biscuits and some more of the creamy stuffed eggs from the night before.

"Party Ham Biscuits," a recipe shared with our family by Susan Brown and recorded in my recipe collection in 1988. There are various versions of this recipe, of course. Pretty popular is the "caramelized" version, such as this one: "Caramelized Ham & Swiss Buns," by Iris Weihemuller of Baxter, MN, in Taste of Home, December 2013, p. 59.

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