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Saturday, March 1, 2025

UNCSA Film Project No. 4!

What a pleasure it was on the final Sunday of February to again find the house full of the energy and spirit of a group of young filmmakers, actors, and design and production students from the UNC School of the Arts. On this latest opportunity for the Roediger House to serve as a location, a smaller-scale class film project was staged and shot up in the third-floor mancave, with a storyline revolving around a slumber party amongst an improv troupe.

Beginning before 8 am with the earliest arrivers, followed by a burst of subsequent timely entrants, it was once more delightful to watch these innovators work expeditiously to create a suitable setting and then give life to a vision for a story. (The pool table was a useful distractor for the actors while the crew set the stage and adorned the space and plotted the tech elements.)

It is essential that these remarkable students feel welcome, and I do not worry about the care that they take as they briefly occupied the upper floor. They work so well together and seem to enjoy one another. UNCSA has such a tremendous set of program offerings and it is awesome to get to witness their exemplary training put into action.

While the students were working away upstairs for this short film, I found comfort in the kitchen, with attentions focused on a cinnamon streusel coffee cake. It baked away in the late morning hours, leaving me free to respond as needed to any questions or assistance for the crew.

While I might try to assign to these delightful young people culpability for my butter error with the recipe, the truth is I am solely at fault: I'd had cinnamon rolls too much on my mind lately and mixed the melted butter into the cinnamon-brown sugar center filling instead of into the flour-cinnamon-sugar streusel topping. Aaargh. How can we put one foot in front of the other when there has been too much butter added into a confection like this?

"Cinnamon Streusel Coffee Cake," by the always excellent PJ Hamel of King Arthur Baking.

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