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Friday, May 15, 2020

Meal No. 2586: Breakfast for Dinner

The back-breaking yard labors continue out front, to be described in tedious detail in an upcoming blog post. Suffice it to say: it took two days early this week (taking advantage of cool but sunny weather!) to excavate more dead tree roots and dig some pretty deep Tuesday night I was happy to take the easy way out with dinner. Breakfast! Always a treat in the evening supper slot. I made the always-terrific creamy grits and busted out the cast iron skillet for sausage patties and fried eggs to finish out the platter. I couldn't get quite enough grits but I figured I'd earned some extra spoonsful because of the dedication to my shovels over the previous couple of days.

Guidance for making the creamy grits: Luquire Family Stone Ground Grits, milled in Greenwood, SC.

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