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Thursday, March 28, 2013

Meal No. 705: Smothered Pork Chops with Onion-Thyme Gravy

Given how long it's been since Jon and Karissa Piper came back for a Winston-Salem visit, they have filled up their dance card with visits to other friends in town, and I'll only get to make dinner for them one time. (We might have eaten here last night, but with their arrival right after I drove in from Virginia, we went to the old favorite: Arigato's.)

Tonight they indulged me and let me be the maker of dinner, and I went with a favorite that hasn't been on the menu in quite a while: smothered pork chops with an onion-thyme gravy. Alongside: company mashed potatoes and layered green bean casserole.

"Smothered Pork Chops," by Erika Bruce. In Cook's Country, April/May 2011, p. 22-23.

"Layered Green Bean Casserole," a Jones family favorite.

"Company Mashed Potatoes," a Jones family favorite.

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