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Sunday, March 10, 2013

Meal No. 698: Grilled Lamb Chops

It's almost Amy Williamson's birthday, and she said she wanted a Roediger House dinner. The folks who were here to celebrate her special occasion decided to watch Avatar using the 3D of the plasma TV upstairs. I did my duties down in the kitchen, promising to put dinner on the table around 9 pm when they finished that good but very long movie.

Unfortunately, I never did change the time on the clocks in the kitchen (since daylight saving time started this morning). I'd promised dinner at 9 pm. My failure to change the clocks means we ate at 10 pm. But we ate good: grilled lamb chops with layered green bean casserole and sweet potato casserole.

Now I understand why I seemed to have all this extra time to also make desserts (which I'll post about later this coming week): I was an hour off!

"Pan-Grilled Lamb Shoulder Chops," from the

"Grilled Lamb Shoulder Chops with Herb Aioli," by Martha Stewart. Found online.

"Layered Green Bean Casserole," a long-time Jones family favorite (received December 2001).

"Sweet Potato Casserole," based in part on Wanda Byerly's recipe, found in Cooking with Grace, by the Women's Fellowship of Grace Moravian Church, Mount Airy, NC (2001), p. 39.

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