From past experience, I know that I need to give myself a few days around tax time in order to sit down and get all my files and records and receipts and such file things that have accumulated in piles all tally up expenses and go through my mileage record book and all that nightmare sleigh-load of stuff. I cajoled myself about the fanciful notion of getting my taxes all done in one day by promising that I'd make another batch of sticky bun cinnamon rolls on Sunday if by some miracle, I managed to finish everything on Saturday.
I finished everything late Saturday night.
Hello again, sticky buns: you're awfully pretty.
There were, without a doubt, the best batch yet. I went back to my original excellent recipe for this batch, and it was the right move.
I also used my good (and slightly expensive) Irish butter for the filling and for the cream cheese icing.
If you're keeping track of the times that the Roediger House kitchen has pumped out home-made sticky buns, here's the run-down to date:
May 18, 2010
March 21, 2012
April 3, 2012
April 15, 2012
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