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Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Sticky Buns Make It a Good Morning

For about five years, I've been toting around a tempting recipe for really delicious sticky buns but have never gotten around to making them. Until this morning. There's a group of us going out for dinner tonight so I knew I wouldn't have afternoon/evening kitchen duty, and I got up early enough to make this endeavor worth attempting.

As I may have mentioned elsewhere in the blog, I still have not done all that much in working with yeast and dough, so taking on recipes like this one is a task I greet with some trepidation. While the first pass at the dough left me feeling like I'd not used enough flour (I added a good bit more in while I was kneading it), it ended up rising nicely and rolled out just as I hoped. (Next time, I might create a larger supply of the butter/pecan/brown sugar/cinnamon filling because it didn't spread out as far as I wanted.)

Then, into the oven they went. Sticky buns baking sure can make a kitchen smell amazing.

And the end result? Perfectly delicious. I ate two.

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