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Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Meal No. 312: Independence Day Burgers

Yesterday was Independence Day, a day when we get to celebrate the beginning of America and all that we have become from those remarkable days of our founding. When I was a classroom teacher, every year one of my first bulletin boards said: "Freedom gives you the right to be wrong, not to do wrong." (This quote, by the way, I am now finally getting around to comes from John George Diefenbaker, former Prime Minister of Canada, and was uttered in 1958.)

The burgers did me right on July 4th, 2011. Although I did not find this new way to do a burger sauce to be all that enticing. I'd much rather go back to the classic burger sauce that comes from Cook's Illustrated and that normally shows up on the peanut butter bacon burgers.

Recipe from Laurent Tourondel, "Cheddar BLT Burgers with Tarragon Russian Dressing," in Food & Wine, June 2009, p. 60.

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