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Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Early Lessons on Dog Toys

Look: there is an awful lot to like about Cyprus, as I've discovered in these first--oh--six weeks of her being in the Roediger House. She's an awesome dog and there is so little to complain about, it's just mind-boggling.

Here's one of her good points: she does not ever chew on things that she should not chew on. She came to me already clear about some things are hers to play with, and most things are not. How cool is that? So I certainly want to make sure she has some toys, like this fun tennis ball-rope combination.

But something I've learned pretty fast is that she needs toys that are sturdy and substantial, that will stand up to her powerful jaws and intense chewing regimens.

Ropes and tennis balls do not stand up to that test.

Cyprus managed to disintegrate this toy within about 48 hours, max. So out it went.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My dog owning friends swear by Kong toys for their dogs that chew up everything else. They seem to be indestructible and provide lots of entertainment.