I went to bed really late Friday night--probably around 3:15 or 3:30 am. And although it would have been great to sleep in, I got a bit excited about this snow event and jumped out of bed at 8:15 am so I could see if we got anywhere near the 11 inches that was the outside possibility in the forecast. Part of what woke me, unfortunately, was the tinging-pinging of sleet hitting the bedroom windows. Darn it. So there was freezing rain and sleet mixed in with this snow, but not so terribly much that it completely ruined it. I mean, where the snow was able to pile up and not get blown away, it appeared to be quite an accumulation. The picture here, to the right, shows a foot of snow.
Which would be really cool if Winston-Salem had truly gotten a foot. But that's actually the tape measure shoved into a drift on the upstairs balcony, including snow that had slid down from the roof and gotten smoothed out by the additional snow of the day, together with further accumulation.
I'll confess: getting up this morning, heading out to the kitchen area to make coffee, and taking my place in the old man's chair I've got by the fireside allowed me to capture a very peaceful early morning view through the nice expanse of windows that surround the eating nook/bay in the kitchen area.

I also thought I'd grab a shot of the snow around the office condominiums that are my neighbors to the north.

After dinner tonight, it was of course time for snow cream for dessert. I'd placed a pan out on the upstairs balcony last night, but between the freezing rain and the wind that constantly blew today, not much snow got collected. Because it was such a big dumping of snow, and since it was frighteningly cold and very dry, the snow was a beautiful powder. There was a lot of it up there, and it wasn't hard to dig out some pristine-seeming snow for the snow cream to come. Here's a shot of what you'd see if you were with me in the upstairs hallway, looking out the balcony door:

I hope this picture does it justice: there's a lot of snow sitting around on the balcony right now.

The snow was so cold and "dry," I thought at first I was going to end up with dip-n-dots instead of a creamy snow cream. But it definitely worked out.

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