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Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Just Desserts for the Family

My nephew Eli is pretty terrific, a very funny and easy-to-like 12-year-old. It's kind of hard to tell our baby pictures apart, and there is a perception that the similarities do not end there. For instance, as a kid, I was every bit as picky as Eli at mealtime. And he and I also seem to share a fondness for sweet goodies, so I had to put at least a couple of dessert and cookie options out there while he was visiting last week.

Mid-week, I made a batch of Cap'n Crunch cookies, but this time I was able to use Chocolatey Crunch, which I've only been able to find thus far in a Target in Virginia Beach. They don't seem to sell it around here.

The extra taste of chocolate made these already unique cookies that much more special.

The other dessert was chocolate eclair cake, a concoction I think I first encountered when I was fresh out of college and working for the President of the Baptist Retirement Homes. Our secretary Anita brought it in and I thought it was the most amazing thing.

"Cap'n Crunch Cookies," found online at The Capitol Baker, with credit going to The Sugar Plum Blog for inspiration and the source of the adapted recipe.

"Chocolate Éclair Cake," a common and popular recipe.

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