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Friday, March 7, 2014

Sleet & Snow & Freezing Rain, Oh My!

Winter continues to rear its ugly head, and on this first Friday of March, it brought the region to a near stand-still again by dumping upon us a few inches of sleet, snow, and freezing rain. Schools were canceled so I had another unexpected day off from work. Here are some pics from 'round the house:

Multiple weather warnings and advisories to start this Friday.

Ice glazed on a kitchen window screen.

A front-of-house shot from the morning after.

Please note that the beauty of a North Carolina winter is that, when pulling up the 5-day weather forecast while I'm home on a snow day, I see that by Tuesday we are supposed to reach 74°F:

Being at home for a snow day put me in the mood for a lunch of biscuits and gravy, although I filled up too fast and couldn't eat it all:

Meal No. 938: Biscuits & Gravy

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