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Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Suspicious Cyprus Refuses to Take Her Meds

Cyprus is on a monthly regimen to counteract heartworms, ticks, and fleas, all in a simple single but large pill. When she was brand new to the Roediger House, I could put those pills in a treat-like pill pocket and she'd swallow 'em right down. Then, somewhere along the way, she decided she would not be so gullible, and now she won't take a pill pocket even without a pill.

So I have two choices given that this medication is in pill form: pulverize it and mix it in with her wet food, or break it into thirds or fourths and shove it down her throat while she looks at me with sad eyes.

For her November dose, I decided to pulverize it and mix it in with the wet food she loves so much. But she was being too much of a smarty-pants and managed to keep herself from wolfing down all the juicy morsels, if she could detect any of the crushed meds on it at all. She put on quite a display of spitting out the tainted pieces.

I reckon when I come in from the road at week's end, at the time her December pill is due, she's going to have to let me shove my fingers and pill pieces down her throat again. I can guess how she'll feel about that.

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