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Thursday, April 27, 2017

Party Ham Biscuits for Northwest Middle School

When it turned out that Sunday night's birthday bash up on the third floor did not require any additional foods and goodies, I instead took the party ham biscuits I'd prepared, fresh and piping hot, for breakfast with the leadership team at Northwest Middle School on Tuesday. They seemed to find them worth eating.

"Party Ham Biscuits," a recipe shared with our family by Susan Brown and recorded in my recipe collection in 1988. There are various versions of this recipe, of course. Pretty popular is the "caramelized" version, such as this one: "Caramelized Ham & Swiss Buns," by Iris Weihemuller of Baxter, MN, in Taste of Home, December 2013, p. 59.

"Spicy Horseradish Sauce," from The All-New Ultimate Southern Living Cookbook. Compiled and Edited by Julie Fisher Gunter. Birmingham, AL: Oxmoor Press (2006), p. 296.

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