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Monday, February 16, 2015

Meal No. 1211: Indiana Corn Chowder

We got us a bit of winter weather today: a small accumulation of snow and then about an equal-seeming amount of sleet. And some freezing rain. This was pretty disappointing because the forecast called for 3-5 inches of snow. But the weather pattern brought the undesirable other frozen precip instead.

Still, it was enough to bring Monday's school day to an early end, and cancelation of school on Tuesday. And Cyprus loved getting out and frolicking in it.

With such cold temperatures and a feeling of being snowed in, a good soup was called for. It sure is hard to beat the Indiana corn chowder that was introduced to me years ago. Bulked up with rotisserie chicken, this perfect dinner helped me feel warm and cozy inside the warm and cozy Roediger House.

"Indiana Corn and Potato Chowder," by Brannon Soileau from his restaurant Maize, An American Grill (formerly of Lafayette, IN). In Indiana Cooks!, by Christine Barbour and Scott Feickert with photographs by Tom Stio. Bloomington, IN: Quarry Books (2005), p. 64-65. You can find this, and quite a few other Indiana recipes, if you scroll to the bottom of this article: "Indiana Can Cook."

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