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Thursday, December 12, 2013

December Baked Delights

Friday December 6. I try to make something each month for the first Friday Trade Street Gallery Hop, to drop off at the Delurk Gallery on 6th Street. This time around, it was a double batch of Cap'n Crunch cookies, and they turned out mighty fine.

Sunday December 8. The east coast was hit on Sunday with a massive blast of arctic cold air at the same time a system of moisture was headed up from south and west of here. The newsfeeds were blowing up with winter storm watches and warnings about ice accumulation. I started a fire early in the morning and kept it going all day, as temperatures hovered around 32°F. Feeling closed up, I got busy in the kitchen. I ended up making the Jones family recipes for a couple of holiday-centric goodies. The first of those was date nut balls:

Then I went ahead and also made a white wine coffee cake (using a recipe my mother got from Barbara Taylor and Lib Tripp). This I planned to take with me on my travels to Virginia Beach this week to work. I lost my grip on it when I was flipping it onto the plate, so I got it kind of smushed.

"Cap'n Crunch Cookies," found online at The Capitol Baker, with credit going to The Sugar Plum Blog for inspiration and the source of the adapted recipe.

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