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Friday, September 17, 2010

A Find at Lowe's Foods

Here's a word about guilty indulgences:

I rather enjoy settling down for a good greasy breakfast at the local favorite Cagney's, or at the notorious Waffle House. And I'll be guilty of slathering too much mixed fruit jelly from those little individual tubs on whatever toast or biscuits I've gotten. So you'd think with that jelly being so delicious, you could just go to the store and buy some.

But no. I have not found it in any of my local grocery stores. According to the Smucker's website, that item is carried by Kroger as far south as Martinsville, but trust me: I've stopped in and looked there and in Rocky Mount, VA, and in Charlottesville. To no avail. An out-of-state visitor brought me some that was found in a Meijer's in Lafayette, IN. And I hoarded it for a while.

So imagine my surprise to turn around in the grocery aisle on a rare visit to the Winston-Salem-based Lowe's Foods and find a mess of jars of Smucker's mixed fruit jelly on the shelf behind me.

It makes me happy to see that jar sitting on my refrigerator shelf.

By the way, I've only been able to find it in one out of three different Lowe's Foods stores that I've looked in. Seems a bit divine.


J D said...

I live in Massachusetts & I cant find Mixed Fruit Jelly any where :(((

Ray said...

I have to order it directly from Smucker's, Harry. So I stock up!