When I returned home from my trip to Cleveland and Detroit, I found that a bit of a freak accident had occurred at the squirrel-proof bird feeder outside the kitchen bay windows. Some poor little house sparrow (I think?) was all-too-determined to get at the remnants of black oil sunflower seed in my nearly-empty feeder, and he got himself stuck.
In fact, he did such a bang-up job of it that where you see his head is actually one slot over from where his neck is. I think he died a traumatic death. But I don't consider the feeder a death-trap...I really do think this was a freak accident. And I'll just need to make sure I'm keeping it full of food so that no other hungry bellies compel his cousins to stick their necks out. Or in.
Don't want it to be Bye Bye Birdie all over again.
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