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Thursday, September 16, 2010

The Unplotted Plant

I've got small divots all over the back and side yards, ostensibly from my squirrels in their search for nuts. Which I thought was more of a wintertime endeavor for them. But what do I know? I just put birdseed and bad pecans out and they do their thing.

But I didn't particularly want them doing their thing to a potted plant that a principal in Richmond County, NC, had given me after one of my visits to his school. I do not think it came with nuts.

Since it's a hanging basket, you could reasonably wonder why it's not hanging up. I found I was letting it dry out way too fast way too much of the time. Sitting it behind the column pillar on the porch keeps it where I'm reminded to water it and it doesn't have to take on the direct morning sun.

And yes: the yard still begs for a good landscaping job.

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