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Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Holy Crapgrass

All my cutting of the lawn this summer has actually ended up having a negative effect: it's staying so well-trimmed that, with the dry conditions of late, it's allowed an invasion of crabgrass to take hold. This stuff is yucky and ridiculously rapid-spreading! Since I'm on the road so much, I fear I've already lost this battle.

I'm also a little surprised, because it's not been that long ago that I did a pretty thorough treatment with Weed-Be-Gone, and the cautions on the label warn against more than a couple of doses in a year. But I think I'd better get ahold of a crabgrass-specific means of abatement. My little bit of research this evening also tells me I've got to do a better job of fertilizing and watering my lawn...a thick healthy tall growth of my preferred grass is a sufficient incentive to keep away the crabgrass weed.

I'll put this on the list of things to do when I'm home tomorrow and through the weekend.

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