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Monday, June 17, 2013

Furniture from Mother's Estate

Today was the next stage of the long and drawn-out process of settling and dividing my mother's estate. For this round, it was the division of furniture and larger home goods. From the master list, the siblings each indicated items that they might want. For overlapping wishes, the competing siblings worked it out, wheeled and dealed, or flipped a coin. I lost out to my older sister Janice when the coin toss didn't go my way, so she's got an arm chair I'd had my eye on.

But I did get to come home with the extra-long living room sofa, the secretary/desk, a rug, and some outside items like concrete benches and planters and a birdbath. I also loaded up and brought home the multiple items claimed by other beneficiaries who live in Indiana, and that's what mostly helped fill up both of the front parlours. When I get home from West Virginia (my one day of travel this week), I'll try to do a better job of sorting and placing things. For now, here's how I had to leave things just to get them inside and then return the U-Haul:

Among my mother's many clocks were 13 that are actually reproductions rather than antiques. The siblings drew numbers to determine an order in which to pick them (although there were four clocks of the same kind and we each took one). This picture shows both mine and my sister's clocks after I brought them in:

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