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Friday, January 18, 2013

Snow Day!

I was scheduled today to be working over in Summerfield, north of Greensboro, to do the second day of training with the second cohort of the Piedmont Triad Leadership Academy. Alas, there was a winter event in the region yesterday evening, so it was a snow day!

Last night, while the snow was still falling (Winston-Salem only got about an inch and a half, and it was a pretty wet snow following several days of cold dreary rain), I snapped a few shots of the house and the vicinity of the 4th and Spring Streets intersection:

Today, with this unanticipated day off, I thought I'd make a special treat: New Orleans beignets, using a recipe I'd not tried before:

I fixed Vietnamese coffee to go along with it. This is only my second try at beignets and I'm pretty sure I liked the previous one much better (which was back in the days of the old kitchen, actually).

"New Orleans Beignets," in Cook's Country, February/March 2013, p. 6-7.

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