Happy, Happy Girl |
If you could only have seen how Cyprus practically wet herself when the back door opened and I and all my belongings came walking in. She was giddy, excited, and beside herself. She did that incredible squinty smile, and her backend was wagging back and forth so much you could have generated electricity from it with the right kind of rigging. She was well-cared-for during the great Tour of the Northern Tier States, of course, but it was nice to be missed!
Knows Something's Up |
Alas, the happy girl began to sense by today that something was up, and I am pretty sure she knows she is about to be abandoned again. Well, not really abandoned, because she's going to have good company (and another dog to play with, too) while I take off for the great Southwestern States Tour, starting bright and early tomorrow morning. She sees the preparations happening, the bags being packed, the frantic pace at which I'm trying to get things done so I can be gone for 10 days. And she's not happy about it.
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