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Tuesday, August 5, 2014

The Sweet Master Suite

When I bought this house in 2003, this is what the room looked like that has become the master bedroom:

October 2003

October 2003

October 2003

The "master bath" was pitiful, with a sealed-up window, a ratty sink, and a lonely toilet:

October 2003: master sink

October 2003: master toilet

After living here the first five years without a shower or tub in the "master bath," I was pretty darned glad to get a whole new bathroom as part of the renovation and addition project of 2008-2009. I've been meaning to toss a few pictures up of some of the bedrooms but never have gotten around to it. I'll use this blog entry to share a bit of the master suite, though:

April 2004

This shot is much outdated now, because the bedroom hasn't been this clean and orderly since then. The nightstands, dresser, and wardrobe were part of a suite that I bought on eBay...they came from Europe. Here's a shot of the wardrobe after it arrived (with a broken mirror that was quickly replaced):

April 2004

The bedframe that came with this set has been stored upstairs ever since I got this, because it is European-sized and therefore does not fit standard American mattresses. So for many years, I used a brass bed loaned to me by my sister Janice. This summer, though, I got this frame out and assembled it, as a prelude to taking it to a custom woodworker for small repair but also to fashion new bedrails for it to make it appropriate for a California king. Isn't this a funky headboard/bedframe?

Finally, here are a couple of photos that show the new master bathroom (well, new as of 2009):

My nephew was happy to give the shower an imaginary test when we graciously hosted his family a while back, as shown in this blog entry.

And here's the alcove for the big soaking tub:

See this blog entry for the teaser that came with the report of the first bath taken in that great big soaking tub. I think over the last five years I might have used it one other time. Oh well. Seems a shame not to have a nice tub in the master bath, even if baths aren't what I'm accustomed to taking.

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