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Friday, November 30, 2012

The Fire Chronicles: Number 7

Following the absolutely gorgeous Thanksgiving weekend (and I wouldn't have minded it being a bit warmer, but it's best not to complain about temps in the low and mid-60s), we got us a pretty sharp cold snap. When I got up this past Monday morning, it was a very crisp and unkind 23°F.

Ah, but what a great opportunity for building a fire! Last winter was so very mild, I didn't even have a fire. The last time I got to have one was back in March 2011.

One of the items on my to-do list for a while now (since early winter of 2010, really) has been to get a firewood rack and a firewood cover. Oh, and some firewood. Ever since the wood-burning fireplace was completed in the new kitchen area, during the 2008-2009 renovation project, I have subsisted off of bundles bought at Lowe's Home Improvement Warehouse.

And it's not been that many bundles, because up till now I've only had six fires.

Thanks to the good services of Chris's Tree Service, though, I now have a well-stocked firewood rack. With no where to go last Monday, and my only plan being to enjoy the chance to be at home, I lit the set of logs (that I'd placed last Christmas but never used) and sat back and enjoyed.

It also occurred to me that this was Cyprus's first fire in the RoHo.

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