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Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Mid-May Landscaping Update

Removing sod from the front yard to create planting areas for new shrubs and such was breaking my back, so I went and bought a tiller:

The only bush at the front of the house that I'd not removed years ago was this one:

It is gone now, after a bitter struggle with the stump(s) and roots:

 Without quite having a plan for where to put it, I was attracted to a Red Eye Althea when I was shopping for plants, and today I went ahead and planted it beside the new patio pad at the back kitchen door:

I have taken a mess of monkey grass from the edge of the parking area behind the movie screen and relocated it at a right angle to where it was, in order to better control the drainage and washing that was occurring.

That picture above also shows another task completed, a new raised planter:

Finally, I don't know about you all, but I love a chipmunk, without having any idea if those rascals are a problem or nuisance. I've never seen one around the house or in the neighbors' yards, until this afternoon. I'd be delighted to have him take up residence in the yard, frankly.

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