So, the stated promise was I'd get "gutters to match existing" when I contracted for the renovation and construction of the addition with the kitchen and bathrooms. Instead, I've got a clearly inferior low-grade set of gutters on the addition. Particularly galling is to discover that its design creates mis-aligned drainage, resulting in over-the-gutter dripping, as shown here:

In addition, because these gutters are using a knock-off leaf guard system, or because its installation was not designed right, there is a sunken screen instead of a molded leaf-guard at the top of the downspouts, which serves as a perfect collection point for debris that will be creating problems for me. There's a lot of difference between the manufactured sturdiness of a Leaf-Guard open gutter and a flimsy plastic mesh screen where trash finds a place to rest, which weighs it down, meaning more trash will collect.

So it's hardly maintenance-free, and it doesn't even come close to a "match" with the existing gutters. Add that to the disappointments that exist alongside the celebrations in this endeavor.
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