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Monday, October 8, 2012

Meal No. 606: Pulled Pork Barbecue

It was a small crew on hand for dinner this past Saturday night, and I say: Here's to the return of the very delicious and somewhat more involved pulled pork barbecue dinner!

Sometimes I serve this with blue cheese coleslaw, but Saturday night I reached again for this new mac-n-cheese casserole that's already shown up quite a few times since this summer. I might add that it looked even better to me, and conjured up no small amount of sentiment, when I used my mother's old Pyrex dish for it:

I managed to pull off dessert, of a sorts: this is Nestlé's recipe for milk chocolate oatmeal cookies...

Wow...cookies twice in two days. I'm almost on a roll. And then I left town Sunday and won't be home again until Friday night!

"Indoor Pulled Pork," by Bryan Roof. In Cook's Illustrated, January & February 2010 (No. 102), p. 6-7.

"Macaroni and Cheese Casserole," by Sarah Gabriel. In Cook's Country, June/July 2012, p. 17.

"Milk Chocolate and Oatmeal Cookies," from Nestlé. Recipe can be found online.

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