City of Winston-Salem
Mr. Bailiff,
I wonder if I might elicit your help in a problem that has cropped up next door to my property, in the gravel lot of rented parking spaces which I believe is Tax Lot 0096 Lot 143. (It is the property from which some removed graffiti had been visible, about which we communicated last month.)
I am attaching pictures of the problem. The gentlemen who owns the old white and red Chevrolet truck has, for all practical purposes, set up a welding and metal fabricating shop working out of the back of his vehicle. I am attaching some pictures for you to get a better idea of what I'm talking about.
While I am limited to the degree to which I can launch a credible complaint merely based on the junkiness of his set-up, what is more to the point is this: he appears to be using a rented parking space in order to set up an outdoor welding and metal-working shop. Might there be City code which limits where such shops may be established or how rented parking lot spaces might be used?
I realize I will need to contact the Winston-Salem Police now in order to complain about the banging on metal and racket of tossing things on and off his truck (as late as 1:30 am on a weeknight or as early as 8 am on Saturday morning). But I thought this situation was due at least a review by the Inspections division in hopes that it might warrant further attention.
Thanks much for looking into it and I'll await further word.
-Raymond Jones

UPDATE: The gentleman has relocated to another pay parking lot on the other side of 4th Street. I can still see him but at least I can't hear him.
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