Another finishing touch as we wind things up: putting up new railings on the exposed parts of each end of the wrap-around porch. On the south side, where you come up from the parking area, the whole porch was redone; on the north side, the old rails were in bad shape and weren't really designed for being out in the open. Kevin and Larry knocked these out Friday. We'll let the wood cure a bit longer, and then Pete is hoping to get some solid-color stain to match the painting of the other rails, as it will hold up better than regular paint. Since there needs to be enough space coming up the steps from the parking area, putting a brick peer to match the other side of the house was not an option, and Pete was not going to be happy unless he was certain that the end post was solid, sturdy, and immovable. They bolted a steel post and then built the wood casing around it, and that puppy don't budge a bit. They also did a nice job of capping off that end post.

Because we had rain on and off Friday, the porch was a perfect place for them to set up their equipment to work, and it turned into quite a busy woodshop:
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