Y'know, I feel like I've been pretty calm throughout this project, taking things as they come and not getting too anxious for the finish line to be reached. I knew it would be involved, that there would be unforeseen complications, that any schedule or agenda is subject to the vagaries of tackling something this big and multi-faceted. But I'm getting a little more antsy about having a kitchen again. Case in point: the china cabinet in the dining room, where the temporary kitchen has been set up.
When I had to clear out the kitchen and butler's pantry over Halloween weekend so that Pete and his crew could start demolition of those areas, I needed to get everything put into a place but also try to make it accessible and workable for the six months of the project. The picture here shows how stuffed the china cabinet got, and I'm really looking forward to the day when I'm not taking everything out of one corner of it so that I can reach that particular pan, or to find the large grater, or to get to the right size storage container. There've been a couple of accidents, too, with that overcrowding. A pile of plates above came tumbling and crashed into the shelf with all my wine and martini glasses; fortunately, and miraculously, only one glass was lost. And putting away the Corningware dishes yesterday, I managed to slam one lid into the other as I maneuvered in the tight space of their resident corner and chipped off a pretty good sliver of the rim.
I'll be excited about the end of April getting here.
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