Last night's tour of the progress on the addition by Leslie Martin finally netted me the squeal of delight that I've been waiting for someone to have. Talk about making me feel like it's really looking as good as I hoped it did: Leslie was terrific in her praise and positive strokes for how everything is looking. All that, and we also got to enjoy a fine dinner out afterwards, with Leslie very kindly picking up the tab. In return, a promise for a reciprocating dinner experience in the new kitchen was extracted from me. I think she can definitely commiserate with the ups and downs of this project, having nicely redone her own kitchen not so long ago.
Today, clean-up, touch-up, and near-final-installations stuff was tackled with the cabinets in the kitchen. The center island is still in a bit of a holding pattern, while the cooktop and downdraft are wired and routed and such. So that's going to be open and unfinished a while longer. But everything else is looking pretty good.
This afternoon, Jason Lanier and crew are here continuing the work on electrical in the kitchen. They are working on the undercounter lights at the moment. I'm hoping they'll get a lot more than just that done, because the list is rather long for what remains! I especially want them to get the beverage fridge running in the wetbar counter, so's I can get back to stockpiling cold beer.
Pete and his crew spent time today smoothing out the back yard, getting up rocks and debris, and double-checking the slope and run-off. Looks like water is heading out the drain pipe just as intended. Robert has continued doing grout in the upstairs guest bathrooms, and a finishing guy is here doing patching and repair on some of the outstanding sheetrock needs.
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