The digging has begun. The crew secured the plumbing that was exposed on the backside of the house today, making sure it was well-insulated since it is certainly becoming very winter-like outside. They tied in with the existing sewer line and got that covered over. The Bobcat was worked pretty hard and managed to end up with a flat tire, which delayed things for a while. Foundation to be poured and masons brought in by week's end? Perhaps!

well, the winds are continuing to whip and
whirl with the tarp. it never did rain thankfully.
so far so good with the roediger house. the insulation that pete installed over the pipes seems to be transferring heat all over the house. last night was rather toasty and comfortable. who knows whats in store with winter though.
Why am I both scared and excited?? I can't wait to see what the area looks like once the cement is down. I think that will really give me a sense of the size of the thing.
Hope you two are caught up in the adventurous spirit! Can't wait to see more pics!
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