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Sunday, July 26, 2015

Meal No. 1343: Breakfast Treats Overnight Crew

Overnight guests stopped on their way back through Winston-Salem after vacation at the beach, arriving here at almost 2:30 am last night. I had some fresh-baked cookies for them (which I'll blog about later) and then they went to bed. On this Sunday morning, they slept in. It's about a 10-hour drive for them back to their home turf in Indiana, so it makes sense to get as much rest as they can before the rest of the journey has to commence..

For a mid-day departure snack, I made the creamy cheese grits. For the first time in about two years, I also made a Cinnabon cinnamon roll cake.

"Cinnabon Cinnamon Roll Cake," first found at The Recipe Critic []. Printable PDF of recipe found at The Lady with the Red Rocker:

Cheese Grits made using recipe for Creamy Grits, from Luquire Family Stone Ground Grits, milled in Greenwood, SC.

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