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Sunday, February 14, 2021

Meal No. 2779: Spaghetti with Homemade Meat Sauce

As the first full week of February drew to a close Sunday a week ago, and I was riding high on an early finish to writing a draft of this month's professional journal article, there was solace to be found in preparing a simple dinner of spaghetti with homemade meat sauce. However, thanks to the generous sharing of a rack of smoked pork ribs from the neighbors down the street, my spaghetti went into a leftovers container and I licked my fingers and smacked my lips over some meaty ribbed goodness from their grill.

I'll also mention that the day began with an unexpected, but still lovely and brief, complete but moderate dusting of snow that morning. Sumner's golden coat looked extra regal against the white backdrop that morning but it all faded quickly as the day proceeded. This has been a chilly winter and remarkably consistent, really. So far this season, all daytime temps have generally been in the 40s or 50s. We've had not really cold extremes, but we'd also at that point had no days even in the 60s, much less in the 70s.

"Our Favorite Homemade Spaghetti Meat Sauce," from Joanne Gallagher of [Published 16 January 2020]

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