Saturday, May 20, 2023

Meal No. 3359: Bacon Egg & Cheese Buttermilk Biscuits

Arising on Mother’s Day Sunday to a grey fresh-washed city, thanks to a flash dump of a half-inch of rain right at bedtime the night before, meant encountering the slightest wet nip in the air and an easy decision to start the day upstairs writing instead of out in a camp chair on the driveway, as I’d done almost all week. This month my article draft is driven by ruminations on randomized calling tactics in classrooms, epitomized by the cutely decorated can of popsicle sticks on many teachers’ front tables. I have thoughts.

Sunday also was National Buttermilk Biscuit Day, and who doesn’t love an excuse to make a batch of that southern goodness, even if the morning weigh-in was less than encouraging? I decided it was time to take another stab at bacon, egg, and cheese biscuits, that regular drive-thru grab from a convenient Hardee’s on my way to Carnage Middle School in Raleigh, back in my teaching days. (In the early 90s, it was 99 cents on an ongoing special; my last check today shows it's priced at $3.67.) My own version on biscuits has now been made twice, equal to the number of versions I've made on brioche hamburger buns.

With a few unnecessary flourishes and driven by a grandness of purpose, I made the biscuits bonus width, ready to receive the oven-baked center-cut bacon, plus the fluffy baked scrambled eggs that could be cut out with biscuit cutters for a professional roundness. Classic American cheese too, and a tall glass of water so as to increase the chances of survival: this was the Mother of Immodest Breakfasts. And those biscuits were the bomb.

These are, of course, not especially good for you. The guilt drove me to undertake an 8.2 mile walk that afternoon.

"The Food Lab's Buttermilk Biscuit Recipe," from J. Kenji López-Alt, Culinary Consultant for [Published 07 August 2015 / Updated 10 April 2019]

"Baked Scrambled Eggs," from Heather Johnson of [Published 09 September 2019]

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