Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Meal No. 891: New Year's Day Meatballs

01 January 2014

It's New Year's Day 2014, and what better way to bring it in than by having what the Jones Family has always called "New Year's Day Meatballs." (We call it this because my sister Allison first made it for us on New Year's Day, many years ago.)

I added to its deliciousness tonight some Yukon gold homemade mashed potatoes and a mess of seasoned green beans. There was still some eggnog frozen custard in the freezer from the third batch I made a couple of days ago. Yum on that dessert.

"New Year's Day Meatballs," from Carol Fultz and shared with me by my sister Allison Jones Holden of Rossville, IN (2001).

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