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Saturday, September 10, 2011

Squirrel Shenanigans Whilst I Was Away

What you see in this picture is a couple of RubberMaid outside trashcans, one of which I use for household trash and the other I use to store containers and bags of birdseed. In my long absence for the Northern Tier States Tour this past week, the feeders emptied out completely. I guess the birds just went elsewhere, but my enterprising squirrel population had other ideas. If there's food close by, why travel?

The mystery that I do not ever expect to solve, though, is how the drainpipe trough you see forming a bridge between the brick barbecue and the top of the trashcan got placed there. I had last left it down IN the barbecue pit, not up on top of it. And I'm certain it was not placed to create a helpful bridge from the countertop to the top of the trashcan where the birdseed is kept. There is no way that this was solely the machinations of my marauding squirrels. Is there?

Anyway, an empty house creates lots of safe opportunity for those rascals to chew through the trashcan lid and to gorge themselves on the blackoil sunflower seed inside. And boy, did they ever. It was startling to see how many empty sunflower shells I had to dump out of there.

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