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Sunday, July 18, 2010

Sunday Visit with Byron Hoover

It was a weekend of visits with former students, starting last Thursday with lunch with Paula Wilkins (one of my grad students from WFU), then dinner Saturday night with former 7th grade student (1994-1995) Matt Stalnaker. On Sunday morning, former WFU education student Byron Hoover stopped in for coffee, followed by brunch at 6th & Vine. It's always good to see him, although he does give me a hard time for not writing enough.

Here he is pictured with his son Noah, who like his dad is known for quite a creative streak.

As I've probably said in past blog posts, one of the attractions of buying this house was that I thought it would be a great space for entertaining my groups of students each year from Wake Forest. Since I did not find WFU to be a good match for me, the house is more often populated by others, but it makes me happy that former students are still regulars here. They're always welcome.

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