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Sunday, April 4, 2010

Easter Sunday Brunchy Supper

One of the usual events with my Wake Forest students was a Sunday brunch, most often held on Palm Sunday. It was an excuse to get together with them, which I always enjoyed, but also a reason to whip up a slew of recipes I've got that work best with a brunch kind of meal. Since I took my leave of WFU, the guest list has changed, but it's still a terrific reason to bring people together.

This year, for the dozen who gathered, the menu included spring frittata quiche, special crockpot scrambled eggs, fresh fruit, Bundt coffee cake, zucchini bread, cheesy grits, bacon, and a pear pudding cobbler. From the guests came deviled eggs, cheesy potato slices, and fixings for mimosas. It was all good. The weather was so nice that we took it out on the front porch, where the crew lingered until after 10 pm.

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